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Genital Warts

The virus that causes genital warts is called human papilloma virus (HPV ), of which there are over 200 different types. Certain types of HPV can lead to precancerous changes in the cervix , cervical cancer or anal cancer. These HPV types are called high risk viruses.

Not all types of HPV cause genital warts. Other types of HPV cause warts on other parts of the skin , such as hands . Infection with HPV around the genitals is common and most people have no symptoms . In women, HPV can spread to areas inside the walls of the vagina and cervix . They are not easily visible without the use of special procedures such as revision speculum .


Important Information about HPV :

HPV infection is transmitted from one person to another through sexual contact involving the anus, mouth or vagina. You can spread the warts even when they are not visible.

You may not see warts for at least 6 weeks to 6 months after becoming infected and may not notice them for years.

Not all people who have been in contact with the HPV virus and genital warts will have them.


You're more likely to get genital warts and spread them more quickly if :

You have multiple sexual partners.

Having sexual relationships with someone who had a sexually transmitted infection ( STI).

You are sexually active at an early age .

Consume alcohol and snuff .

You have a viral infection such as herpes and are stressed at the same time .

You are pregnant.

Have a weakened immune system due to disease or medication .

If a child has genital warts, you should suspect sexual abuse as a possible cause.


Symptoms of genital warts

Genital warts can be so small that you can not see them.

The warts may look like : Flesh colored spots that are raised or flat. The appearance of tumors with the top of a cauliflower.


In women , genital warts can be found :

Inside the vagina or anus .

On the outside of the vagina or anus , or surrounding skin.

In the cervix .


In men , genital warts can be found at:

The penis, the scrotum

The groin area thighs Inside or around the anus


Genital warts may also appear :

Lips the mouth the language the throat


Other symptoms are rare , but may include:

Increased moisture in the genital warts area near

Increased vaginal discharge

Genital itching

Vaginal bleeding during or after sex


Exams and Tests Pelvic examination .

You can use Magnification (colposcopy ) to see the warts that can not be seen with the naked eye . You can place dilute acetic acid 5% in water in the area, which helps to better visualize any wart.

The virus that causes genital warts can cause an abnormal Pap smear. If you have this type of change , you may need more frequent Pap smears for a while.

An HPV DNA test can tell if you have a high-risk type of the virus known to cause cervical cancer .



Treatment of genital warts should be performed by a doctor. DO NOT use counter remedies meant for other kinds of warts.

Treatment may include :

A surgical treatment done in the office.

A prescription drug that you apply at home several times a week.

Warts can be removed with surgery as :

Electrocautery laser therapy Surgical excision (cutting )


If you have genital warts, all of your sexual partners must be examined by a doctor and treated if warts are found . Even if you have no symptoms you should be treated to prevent complications and diseminate the condition to others . You will need to return to the doctor after treatment to verify that all the warts are gone.

Pap smears are recommended if you are a woman who has had genital warts or if your partner had them . If you had warts on your cervix , you may need Pap smears every 3 to 6 months after the first treatment . Women with precancerous changes caused by HPV infection may need further treatment. forecast Most men who become infected with HPV never have any symptoms or problems from the infection. However, they can pass it to current sexual partners and sometimes future couples . Even after receiving treatment for genital warts , you may still infect others. complications It has been found that some types of human papilloma viruses causing cervical cancer and vulva .

The types of HPV that can cause genital warts are not the same as the types that can cause cancer of the penis or anus. The warts may become numerous and quite large , requiring more extensive treatment and control procedures . Call your doctor if : A current or past sexual partner has genital warts. If a former partner at their current sexual partner has a history of genital warts or HPV. If you have visible warts on your external genitals, itching , discharge, or abnormal vaginal bleeding.

Note that it is possible that genital warts may not appear for months or years after sexual contact with an infected person . Women should begin having Pap smears at age 21 or when they become sexually active .



Not having any sexual contact is the only way to prevent genital warts and other sexually transmitted infections ( STIs). You can also decrease the possibility of contracting a sexually transmitted disease by having sex only with a partner known to be disease .

Male and female condoms can not offer complete protection , because the virus or warts can be on nearby skin . However, condoms reduce the risk anyway and should be used at all times.

The human papillomavirus (HPV ) can be transmitted from person to person even when there are no visible warts or other symptoms. Sexual behavior with caution can help keep you from getting HPV.

Two vaccines are available that protect against four types of HPV that cause most cervical cancers in women. The vaccine is given as a series of three shots is recommended for girls and women 9 to 55 years.

One of the two vaccine protects against genital and anal warts in boys and men and is administered as a series of three injections . It is recommended for men and women children.


Alternative Names

Condyloma acuminata , warts penis , Human papillomavirus ( HPV) venereal wart , Condyloma , DNA test for HPV , warts sexually transmitted disease ( STD ), LSIL -HPV ; LIEHG HPV , HPV - low dysplasia grade, HPV - high-grade dysplasia , genital warts




Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP ) . Recommendations on the use of quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine in evils. MMWR 2011 , 60 (50) :1705-1708 .

Diaz ML . Human papilloma virus : prevention and treatment.Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am 2008 , 35 (2) :199-217 .

Mayrand MH, Duarte - Franco E, Rodrigues I, Walter SD, Hanley J , Ferenczy A, et al. Human papillomavirus DNA versus Papanicolaou screening tests for cervical cancer.N Engl J Med 2007 , 357:1579-1588 .

Kahn JA . HPV vaccination for the prevention of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. N Engl J Med 2009 , 361:271-278 .

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