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Laparoscopy is a technique that offers a view of the organs of the abdomen and in the case of female pelvic organs (uterus , fallopian tubes , ovaries)
Tthe laparoscope is a thin and long tube that is inserted into the abdomen and abdominal organs can display with a video camera . Typically , laparoscopic surgery results in a shorter hospital stay than traditional , as related to the laparoscopy incisions are very small, the pain associated with the procedure is less and recovery is usually faster .

Gynecological laparoscopic surgery used to diagnose changes in the pelvic organs , as well as to correct any problems found, this means that we use for diagnosis and treatment . Currently we can solve many problems entering the abdominal cavity through a single incision in the navel with the SILS port . (Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery ) . This allows an even faster recovery and an unbeatable performance because the scar is almost imperceptible .
Recently we have greatly improved techniques and timing of laparoscopy by a single port. Virtually any surgical procedure is possible with this technique.
The most common laparoscopic surgery for gynecological indications are:
Infertility: Laparoscopy is fundamental in the study of infertile or barren . The overall appearance of the internal genitalia (uterus , ovaries , fallopian tubes) , mobility and permeability of the fallopian tubes should be evaluated.
Pelvic adhesions : Adhesions are bands similar to scars that are formed within the body tissue. can destroy this is known as adherenciolisis .
Endometriosis is the abnormal implantation of cells that normally covers the uterus (endometrium) in endometriosis these cells are outside of the uterus . The diagnosis may be suspected by clinical history and physical examination , but direct visualization is the only way to secure diagnosis. Usually the presenting symptom of endometriosis is severe pain during menstruation , during or at the end of sex. There are some women who have no symptoms regardless of the severity of endometriosis.

Hydrosalpinx : A disorder in which the tube is clogged with liquid inside . With laparoscopy , we can assess the size of the fallopian tube, wall thickness and characteristics of the liquid , and can also carry out treatment .
Ectopic pregnancy is when the baby starts its development outside the uterus, the most common places are: fallopian tubes, ovaries , bowel algunnas times . It is a condition extremely dangerous as it can cause death . The use of transvaginal ultrasound and the use of laparoscopy , have facilitated the early diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy, which has allowed 95% can be resolved by laparoscopy.
Pelvic tumors : adnexal masses, ovarian cysts, cystadenoma , teratoma, endometriosis cysts .
Ovarian Cancer : Staging and surgical treatment. Chronic pelvic pain : Defined as pain increased to six weeks pain affects a significant number of women. Laparoscopy is fundamental to the study and treatment of these patients , and should be performed in cases where the drug fails .
In patients with chronic pelvic pain, it is possible to section uterosacral ligaments.
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease ( PID) : Most authors recognize the usefulness of laparoscopy in the diagnosis of PID. This method confirms the positive cases , allows direct culturing peritoneal fluid and properly plan antibiotic therapy . This is very common cause of pelvic adhesion formation and a cause of ectopic pregnancy . Usually caused by bacteria called Chlamydia .
Hysterectomy is the most common gynecological surgery and has been traditionally performed abdominally or vaginally . In 1989 , Reich published the first case of laparoscopic hysterectomy , demonstrating the benefits of endoscopic surgery were applicable to this type of intervention . Its indications are similar to those of conventional hysterectomy. Its great advantages are minor bleeding and surgical trauma, less analgesic requirement , shorter recovery and shorter hospital stay .
Uterine fibroids : Fibroids can be removed by laparoscopy, if they are large one morcellator is used to avoid opening the abdomen. I usually use Morcellex J & J.

We use the most sophisticated to perform laparoscopic surgery such as optical of the most prestigious houses in the world ( Storz, Linvatec , Karl Zeiss , Covidien , Johnson & Johnson) and instruments of monopolar and bipolar energy Ligasure , Plasmakinetics scalpel and equipment harmonic.
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Laparoscopy , laparoscopic surgery, single port surgery . Invisible surgery, minimally invasive surgery , gynecological surgery by laparoscopy.