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Endometrial ablation

Endometrial ablation means treating the uterus to heal it and incapacitate to form new growth on the walls of the uterus and prevent bleeding. It is used as a treatment in women with excessive bleeding during menstruation. It can be performed by different methods, we use a safety a hysteroscopic endometrial ablation (using the hysteroscope ) and non- hysteroscopic method Thermachoice of Johnson & Johnson , thus representing a new treatment option for not be exposed to conventional surgery .

Hysteroscopic endometrial ablation : This is done with a resectoscope (a device that contains a handle cutting and coagulation , a lens ) that uses high-frequency electrical energy to destroy the endometrium (the lining of the uterus). The resectoscope into the uterine cavity is entered, the instrument can transmit the image to a screen to evaluate the procedure , the handle makes cutting and coagulation of all endometrial thickness, you can use a rolling sphere to destroy the endometrium with energy monopolar or bipolar with Versapoint .

Hysteroscopic Endometrial Ablation VIDEO

The technique allows to extract all the endometrial cavity or part of it , therefore , patients have permanent absence of menstruation or menstruation normal and tolerable .

THERMACHOICE : A uterine balloon therapy using silicone intended to cover a larger portion of the endometrium , is a minimally invasive alternative that reduces or completely eliminates bleeding of menstruation. Is a simple outpatient procedure in which the balloon is that it has connected to a catheter , that is inserted into the vagina , is passed through the cervix to be placed in the uterine cavity . The balloon is inflated with sterile fluid , which distends to fit the size and shape of the uterine cavity . The liquid is heated to 87 degrees Celsius and is moved by means of an internal propeller . This lasts about 8 minutes and the inflated balloon procedure , the treatment time is complete , the liquid is let out and the balloon is removed.

This procedure destroys the endometrium only , by means of heat . Once treatment is completed , this tissue breaks down and eliminated within 7 to 10 days. Is often an alternative to hysterectomy , it reduces the cost and increases the safety of the patient .


Link to learn more about Thermachoice

Another method of endometrial ablation is through radiofrequency . The use of either method depends on your needs , before any treatment some studies and  tests are given under inquiry to know whether or not you are a candidate for this treatment .

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